sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Why does anonymity empower us ?

As we have read and discussed, one of the biggest topics that “ V for Vendetta “ covers is the subject on anonymity. In this graphic novel , V is an anonymous characters who violently fights against the social , moral and  economical paradigms of the society. He is an anonymous character not only for the other characters in the book , but also remains anonymous for the reader, thus we never who she/he really is.

While analyzing the book a question arouse: what is we knew who V is? What if we knew his/her name, where he comes from, where he lives, who are his relatives, what school he went? What if V were not an anonymous character?  If V identity were known, would he do the same violent acts? ; hence, is anonymity a tool of empowerment?

In order to answer this question it is very helpful to identify where is anonymity in our current society, if you think about it , there are many opportunities to be anonymous. The clearest example is social media, in which you can create a profile with a fake name, fake information, even a fake job. Some websites don not even require a profile , thus they are even more anonymous. You can comment, post, share and even stalk in full anonymity. 
Anonymity is also used with more “benefitial” purposes. Think about Anonymous Alcoholics, groups of people that struggle with alcoholism who support each other on their way to sobriety.

It is anonymous because people are not forced to give personal information and  the institution will not leak in any way the names if the people who attend this meetings.}
Anonymity is also heavily included in our college culture, where all teachers’ evaluation are done in an anonymous way, hence each teacher receives their evaluation is a whole rather than a set of individual  opinions.

Now think about the following: would you go to an alcoholism rehab center of everyone could know that you go? Would you write “ you don´t know how to teach, please go home” in a teachers evaluation if the teacher could know who wrote it? Would you comment on that weird YouTube video is you knew that everyone could see it? The answer is probably NO.

According to a 2010 article on the Telegraph, anonymity gives people freedom, thus power. They can discuss, comment, act and think freely, without any concern on what other may think about them. This freedom creates a feeling of power on people, since they can do and think many things that are not socially acceptable.
Other authors also tackle the problem of anonymity. John Kenneth Galbraith on his 1983 book “The Anatomy of Power” also states than anonymity makes people less self-aware and more honest. People feel empowered by anonymity because it given them the chance to separate from social conventions and be as brutal, honest, sincere or violent as they want to.

This might explain why AA meeting are more popular than any other type of rehab place, or why we hide ourselves in nick names on the web and why we are more honest in anonymous questioners, but most importantly it explains why V is always unknown, because anonymity gives him power and confidence.

Do you think that anonymity is empowering? Could you think of any situation where this happens? 

sources :

Galbraith, John Kenneth, and Richard D. Bartel. "The anatomy of power." Challenge (1983): 26-33.
Hensher, Philip. "The Telegraph." 19 August 2010. 22 November 2014 <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/7954520/The-power-of-anonymity.html>.

Other sources :
Reiter, Michael K., and Aviel D. Rubin. "Crowds: Anonymity for web transactions." ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 1.1 (1998): 66-92.
Pfitzmann, Andreas, and Marit Köhntopp. "Anonymity, unobservability, and pseudonymity—a proposal for terminology." Designing privacy enhancing technologies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I do think that anonymity is empowering since it enables individuals to leave aside their fears and air their grievances against what bothers them. A clear example of this is the campaign that took over the internet a few years ago against some internet-oriented and privacy policies. a group of hackers used the same smile-painted mask of ''V''. These group of tech-savvy people anonymously shut down the U.S government website to demonstrate discontent with the project that the representatives wanted to pass.
    I think that the fact that they were undercovered empowered them and helped them to accomplish what they wanted.

  3. I struggle with the idea of anonymity being empowering... because I have always believed that not being able to stand for your words is nothing but cowardice. Anonymity, therefore is not power, on the contrary it shows that you cannot put your name or your face behind your words or actions because it either embarrasses you or frightens you to do so. However I believe that anonymity can be useful when the goal behind it "pure", when it is for the grater good. Like AA or an anonymous donation. But when something is done in order to hurt someone...how can we understand it as power? I believe it is cowardice.

  4. I share you opinion. Anonimity is power because it gives you freedom and it is actaully freedom what empower you.Most of the people, especially nowadays, stop to think what others would think of their actions intead of doing things (And my respects to those who are able to do things without caring what others would say). If you have the "advantage" of remaining anonymous, you will do and say things without this fear.
    Furthermore, anonimity is a really powerful tool in V for Vendetta since we dont have prejudices against V. If we had further information such as the place he or she comes from or in which schoold did he or she studied we will think twice before supporting the ideas and the fight V is in because nothing guarantess us that V is not actually being hypocrite or betraying what s/he really believes.

  5. I absolutely think that anonymity does empower us. Thank that people usually dare to do do things when that act without being discovered. That can be seen, for example on mascarade parties. Or on internet, under a nickname, on a chat-room or even people who plays on Facebook with a fake profile or a fake picture.
    It's easier to act and express yourself when nobody knows you, the real you. As for example, when people act differently or do things they wouldn't dare to do when are on a vacation trip. How many times I've head of men that dare to wear a thong on a beach just because they are on a different country, but would never do that in Chile? Just because nobody knows them there.
    In V for Vendetta, anonymity does empowers V, as behind the mask, he could be anyone.... and that's the idea. He made people realize that there was a "V" inside all of them.
