jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014


V for Vendetta is definetly the greatest movies I have seen so far and one of the greatest book I have started reading and hopefully finished. Besides the plot and the characters, I found myself quite interested into the main character (V). He wears a wig, a black coak, hat and the most important element a very intrigous mask.

This “villan” (or anti-hero) represents  the disagreement or dissent of the british citizens who feel oppresed by the current mandatory government. Furthermore, the mask has become a reluctant symbol that has crossed the barries and spread around Europe and even America. V´s mask can be seen in pretty much all strikes within the UK and all over the globe. V shows to the common English citizens that they are powerful if being united and has stated in the book “People shouldn't be afraid of their government,  governments should be afraid of their people.”

Within the novel, the author is contanstly playing with the reader´s mind, giving them lots of clues that are in away uncertain or not enough to fully understand the story´s dimentions, hence the reader´s attention is always capturated and allert. “Symbolism is hidden throughout the novel within the artwork. You would not get as much information or foreshadow is such discreet manner is a purely written novel.”

What capture my attention the power the mask has got, for instance it gives a sense of suspiciousness and atractiveness that I have not seen in any other object. Nevertheless, I found quite interesting the fact that the mask has been taken out to different context but manteining the core of its meaning, rebellion. More especifically I found this worlwide famous electronic dj Nicky Romero, whose  label is the mentioned mask I personally believe he does so in order to make people realise of the huge power they have got in their hands and that they are capable of making changes. Besides he loss of identity given by the mask sparks the natural behaviour and thoughts of people, in a way it sets them free to be who they really are and exorts them to metaforically take out the mask society imposes them to use.

"V For Vendetta." 123HelpMe.com. 20 Nov 2014 

2 comentarios:

  1. Because I don't know who is the person behind the mask, it makes me feel fear. Despite this, I really like the character V, because as he stands behind a mask, the fact that we don't know who he really is, is intriguing.
    I see that the mask is usually worn in protests. For instance, I went to a protest for free education in 2011 in my hometown and many people used it, reflecting that they not accept the system in which we live, and go to protest as a way to rebel against it.
    As I explained before the mystery of the mask is what I like the most and in my opinion if he had shown his face he wouldn't impact people as the way he does.

  2. Oh! I forgot to say it... I like the song!
