sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

The power of ideals

When I was reading the graphic novel, something that really caught my eye, besides the catching plot, was the concept of ideal behind it.

Evey’s categorical decision to refuse to sign a testimony that accused her, and accepting her death was just a ground-breaking moment to me as I could clearly see her change and what is more important, her unshakeble convictions.
To have faith in something that you believe could lead to the more important changes and  acheviement of dreams. Just take a look at some of the main symbols of important fights, such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. However, that faith in convictions can be abruptly diminished by the control of outsiders or even by some restrictions.
That is the reason why in every dictatorship books became a forbidden element, since in that way people are just kept in a state of ignorance. Passive minds is what the power needs, instead of having a seed that would make flourish awareness of the greatest ideas.
Having control over the inhabitans’ minds is highly relevant to maintain them under the feet of the ruling human beings. In fact, some beliefs are spread as assumptions that everyone should follow, a sort of brainwash that is delivered by everyday media, conditioning people to think that what is being impossed is morally and politically correct.

What V for Vendetta  depicts is that, even though people are under the constant intrusion of a government, it does not prevent them from having their own different and “subversive” thoughts. The seed of an strong ideal in an individual can result in a situation that can be considered as chaotic for a government.

Ideals could move a mountain. People gathered together could be as powerful as the ones in control. Overthrowing the ones who make the wrong decision may not be seen as  impossible.

People could be under the worst and adverse conditions such as sick surveillance, rights violation, the continous rectification of truth that may blame the inocents, the distorted and polar opposite image that media depicts, but as Valerie wrote

Every last inch of me shall perish... except one. An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us. I don't know who you are. or whether you're a man or woman. I may never see you. I will never hug you or cry with you or get drunk with you. But I love you. I hope that you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better, and that one day people have roses again."

As a very important lesson that we should bear in mind as a society, is that we can all have our roses again if we just stick to our guns. The main idea is just embedded in one sentence

“Ideas are bulletproof”.

Moore, Alan, and David Lloyd. "Vfor vendetta." (1989).

Keller, James R. V for Vendetta as cultural pastiche: a critical study of the graphic novel and film. McFarland, 2008.

Bernard, Mark, and James Bucky Carter. "Alan Moore and the Graphic Novel: Confronting the Fourth Dimension." ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1 (2004): 28.

4 comentarios:

  1. Very interesting post. I also believe that ideas or convictions are like fuel for a change, or in your own words they could move mountains. However, I'm torn between an optimistic and a pessimistic view on that. Although I absolutely love the statement "ideas are bulletproof" I make a comparison with the ending of 1984 where finally after psycologycal and physical torture Winston ends up trully believing that 2+2=5 and all the things he used to criticise. In that sense I believe that -although I acknowledge that in the novels the themes are exaggerated- a totalitarian government is so powerful that can even conquer Winston's ideas.

  2. I completely agree with both of you! I strongly believe that our convictions make us to fight fo the right things ... and this is better when we work together for a change. Furthermore, it is kind of obvious that when someone thinks differently the authorities are afraid of that, because of the simple reason that you said that convictions can move a mountain. For instance, when the educational movement took place in our country authorities were afraid of that because of the changes that could be developed in the person´s mind. What´s more, this was a highgly complex and chaotic for the goverment since it is not benefitial for them that the population turn into a thinking mass.

  3. I couldn't agree more with you Macarena!!! Real convictions and real ideas can make a huge difference in this world. And even when people are supposed to act and think as depicts this novel, people will always have the capacity to have their own ideas and make a change in their lives.
    the real problem is when people do not want to see what is going on arround them, just because they feel comfortable about it. Why bother?
    This reminds me of the "Military Regime" lived in Chile, when Pinochet was the president. Even though many people knew what was happening, many people decided to ignore and not to believe reality. It was easier to see the country as economically stable, as a country where people were being killed for believe or act differently or for not agreeing with the government.
    So, all in all, we do have tools to make a difference. The question is: do we use them or do we stay in our comfort zone?

  4. I agree with you Maca, ideas can be so powerful! But I also think that that power can be positive or negative. A person with huge convictions can move people, countries and the world. A person with strong convictions can convince almost anyone. You mentioned Martin Luther King, a very good example of how positively a good ideal can work out. But I will also mention Hitler, who with his conviction convinced a continent of terrible things. So Evey's change and growth shown in her story are a lesson to stay true to our convictions, no matter the price, because once we give in, as Wiston mentions in 1984, we loose our humanity and also we loose our identity.
