sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Number 5 and its meaning in V for Vendetta

Number “V”

The number 5 has always had a divine connotation, since in the Bible it refers to the five wound of Jesus on cross, which therefore gives the number a sense of grace. Besides, it also means the grace from God towards humans on Earth. When it comes to the human race, it mixes the 2 (the unstable ch
aracter) and 3 (the divinity). However, for others it refers to a balance or harmony.

The graphic novel “V for Vendetta” makes reference to the number V several times: every title of the chapters has a letter “V” on it, the main character is called “V” which is the same symbol that represents the number 5, we get to know that “V” stayed in the Larkhill Resettlement Camp in Room V, he also listened to Beethoven’s fifth symphony, and so on.

Another reference to the numer 5 (V) is V’s motto “Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici” from Latin which means by the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

In the graphic novel “V for Vendetta”, the number is always present one way or another. Perhaps, the reason why it is present is because in the novel the world hasn’t got harmony, it’s not balanced, and that is actually what the character V is looking for, rather than revenge itself. We could infer that his revenge will be expressed in the change of that world, trying to move it from a world in disaster and dictatorship, to a fair world. 

Moore, Alan. V for Vendetta. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006.

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