sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

V, 5, five,cinco, cinque...

What I like the most when reading novels or watching movies are the different symbols since when I realize about them is like everything makes too much sense.
Once I realized that V appeared in the comic as letter, number and as figure, my first thought was: I'm crazy, I need to sleep.
Hopefully, the teacher said something related to that in classes and I looked up for information about "V" as well and I found that my initial thesis was right: Everything in the graphic novel has to do with V! and here is the proof.

To begin with, and what is blatantly obvious, is the title of the graphic novel: V for Vendetta, doble V here. The Italian word Vendetta is defined in English, according to the Oxford dictionary, as “a  blood feud in which the family of a murderer person seeks vengeance on the murderer ”. In Spanish is defined as “Venganza producida por enemistad, especialmente a causa de una muerte o una ofensa”. A lot of “V” don’t you think? Yes, but it is just the beginning. 

From my point of view, there are at least three names which are related to V
- V is the name of the main character in the graphic novel which is Roman numerals is 5
- Evey is composed of: two “E”  which is the fifth letter of the alphabet, one “V”  which is 5 in Roman numerals, and “Y” which is the 25th letter of the alphabet and if you think about it is also 5 squared.
- The woman who dies in the cell next to V at Larkhill is named “Valerie”.

There was two moments in which I think:
are you kidding me?
The first one was in Larkhill, where V was locked, he was not in any cell but in the one with the number 5 which, of course, is written as V.
Then in the Creedy-V fight scene, a V is formed by V daggers before he throws them and also by the Creedy's men formation. After that, when V is mortally wounded, he leaves a V shape on the wall with his blood. 

Finally, as in any other novel, story or in this case, comic there is something beyond the letter or even the pictures. I selected just three:
First of all, during the explosion of the UK Parliament fireworks forms a V in the sky, with the V symbol being completed by a circular firework.
Also, the date which is named throughout the comic is the November 5th which  is the only month in the Gregorian calendar with the letter V in it. And when the clock appears, it shows the 11:05 which also forms a V.

After all these examples it is almost impossible not to wonder why in the world is so important the "V" as number, letter or whatever within the comic. There might be a lot of answers. I remember that during the last class, the teacher said something related with the hand, the five fingers and the fight sign and also, something about V as a sign for victory.
However, I believe that the "V" importance has to do with the November 5th in 1605 in which Guy Fawkes tried to exploit the UK Parliament in order to stop what was happening in that time just like V wanted to do it in his time for the same reason.
And last but not least, it just came to my mind that the connection presented above explains why V uses not any mask but the Guy Fawkes's. 



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