sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Who is empowered?

V for Vendetta is a story based on the concept of "power". This power is fought for two forces that are resilient to yield : a totalitarian system versus V . However, I think that it is pivotal to define what is means the word "power". According to one of the definitions of power in Merrian-Webster's dictionary, power is understood as the "ability or right to control people of things".

This definition totally makes sense for the story of V for Vendetta and the fight for power. What I really caught my attention has to do with how a person is able to do everything is banned by a totalitarian regimen. That is something that really made me think about our possibilites as simple citizens to change society. V took a firm stance on the government's ways of doing its work and that is something that makes me reflect about how we can shape society as we want.

We are people, people have different minds, ideas and beliefs and we as humans have the possibility to do something to change our system. Having the "dreamed" nation , for instance, it is difficult to imagine since we are immerse in a world of rules that we need to follow and at the same time we accept this situation. Albeit there has been many revolutions during the history of the world, there are still several injustices that have not been taken into account by governments. In our case, Chile has been passing through stages in which the population seem to be tired of certain situations as the problem with the quality of education (Educational movement 2011). Taking this as an example, I think that all the strikes that took place that year changed the vision of many people about the topic of education. In that sense , the fact of doing "something" respect to a situation that is considered infair , had a result. However, the problem was not solved and even today we still have the same problems. That is why I wonder myself : Does the risk worth it?

I like to think that if we as a society do not agree with an idea, we can do something respect to that. But that is something nice to hear but hard to put it on practice. V did something to stop what he considered wrong, but bringing that to our reality the scene changes completely. It is almost impossible to get out of this world of political liars and fake honesty, but what it is possible is to critically examine what the "power" is doing to us and what we do about it in real terms.

Entities as political parties, politicians and big companies will always want to have the power and they will not accept to share it. However, we need to be smart enough to notice this manipulation and believe that we have the power, but it is necessary to play strategically.

Merriam Webster, 2014. 

"Malcolm X." BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2014. 22 November 2014. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/malcolmx387554.html

3 comentarios:

  1. Camila, I totally agree with what you have posted. I coincide with what you have stated about the little we can do regarding the people who have the power worldwide. Of course we can do things as be in charge of what is happening and still fight against these people who want to control us, and not believe what society tell us to do or believe, however as you said, most of the times, it fall away of our hands what we can do, or what acts can we commit. I think that it would be possible if every person of the country or wold would become united and fight against the oppresors and the ones who have the power, but still people continue to live their lives as machines and robots, not rationalizing what is going around us, who has taken the power of peple. I am no saying that we cannot change or fight for our rights, etc, but I am saying that before taking any actions that most of the time do not succeed, we need to let people know about what is happening and as pre service teachers we have some little power to change the mind of young people who will inevitably be the ones who could made a big difference in the world.

  2. I completely tally with your comments about power and the vision of people doing something about what they believe. And to answer your question, I do think is worth to do something when you believe on it, when you have ideals and you feel you have the right to fight for it, just like students did with all the strikes in 2011.
    What I do think however, is that people sometimes have some lack of responsibility about their actions. Yes, you are free to fight for what you believe, but that fight has a cost. And you have to be aware of that, and be responsible for your actions, as maybe your ideals are not everyone's ideals, and you have to be careful to not push the limits over other way of thinking.
    We live in a society and to be part of that society is to fight for what you believe and to respect other points of view. If people learn that, they could make a better world.

  3. I tally with your arguments as they totally represent what I believe abouth governmetns.They have all the power concentred and we can not do anything to change this issue, As V says "“Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We've seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.” This staments reflects our actual position,we give to the government our power, and the right to decide for us, we lack of will and real convictions to make a real change.I strongly believe that we should think strategically in order to recover our lost power to make changes.Another important thing is that we should gather together to make a gig chance is our society.
