sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Technology, the secret enemy.

Technology, a well-known concept used to describe the society in which we live now, along with the benefits that has brought to this world. If we think in technology, many would react positively to this concept. However, it is not the same reaction when we talk about “1984”. In this novel, Orwell attempts to show us how a technologically and highly developed world can result the opposite idea of what a better place can be.

In “1984”, technology is used as a means to provoke fear in people in order to manipulate their lives. The idea of privacy does not exist… microphones and telescreens are everywhere to control people’s information. Using technology, the Party can watch every move people make in their daily lives. Does it sound familiar?

Maybe, nowadays we do not have microphones in every single corner of the world. Maybe we are privileged for being allowed to keep our personal information… but are we really doing so? Social media is now taken as the means that Parties used to obtain our information, and we are not aware of the consequences. Maybe technology has another destiny for us.

1984, a place where people suffered from oppression, deprivation, and obviously fear, can easily become a representative image of what can be our future. A place in which we won’t be allowed to control our lives, and our positives feelings and sensations will be silenced, only because we were the responsible ones of sharing information that we shouldn’t have shared. Just take a look around you… Maybe our freedom is actually becoming our own slavery. 


3 comentarios:

  1. I couldn't agree more with the questions that you have pointed out. Do we have a sort of privacy? I strongly believe that the obvious answer is no. Nowadays, the increasing prevalence of technology has made our privacy shake. There are little but highly important details that are messing with our private life. For instance, when we take photos with this new generation of smartphones there is the location embedded in that picture. GPS has become a tool to find a stolen cellphone, however it could be also used for the wrong purposes. Another common situation is this one, have you ever received in your email account an invitation from a polititan to become part of his or her party? I have. And I just wonder, how did they get my personal email account? Suspicious. I will go a little further on the topic of technology and privacy. I remember long time ago, I read an article which dealt with some privacy settings of Facebook, and it was stated that all the photos that we upload on that platform will be always on facebook data base, even though we delete them.

    We cannot get rid of technology as society forces us to use some platforms in college, at work, even to communicate; however, I take the view that we only have to be careful with what we share and assume the responsabilities that it can lead to.

  2. I see your point and I think technology could be use to our advantage as well as disadvantage. Although it is true that technology has obviously simplified our lives, it has also made us more exposed to the public eye. As Macarena pointed out, once our private information is put out in the technological world, it is no longer private and it is there for everyone to take a look at it and use it.
    How many scandals have been due to the violation of privacy through technology? Just remember what happened recently with the famous actress Jennifer Lawrence, and the leakage of her private photos that were in her own phone. Or another example, the controversy that the US arose when it was known that they spied other countries, such as Germany. Just more reminders that once you cross that thin line, there is no going back.
    I believe we shoul be more conscious and careful with everything that technology implies. We never know when our own data could be used against us or when things start becoming more 1984-ish.

  3. Social media has definetly taken over people's lives and sadly this can be seen everywhere we look around. What can we do about it? I do not really know, but I would really believe there is a possibility of scaping and getting back our liberty but the truth is much bitter. In the past people did not have technological elements and they were happy and efficient.
